It all started as we were on our way home from Las Vegas in our Pathfinder during Spring Break. Jon, Matt, Sarah and I cruised along I5 listening to our iPods and talked about how much fun we had on our trip.My phone vibrated and up popped a text message from Michelle, one of my best friends. The message said, "Want to teach English in Korea this summer?"
Michelle is a second grade teacher in Woodburn. I met her in PSU Grad School two years ago and I decided that I won't ever be letting go of her. She's pretty much the funniest girl I know and a wonderful friend...
All sorts of thoughts ran through my head as I read the text out loud to Jon.
"When?" I wrote back.
"July 18th - August 18th. It's all paid for through Portland State..."
I had a quick conversation about it with Jon. He ultimately told me, "I'll miss you a lot, but it sounds like an opportunity you shouldn't miss."
"I'M IN!"
So here I am, three months later, packing for a trip I have no clue how to pack for. People ask me all the time, "Have you ever been overseas?" The answer is: never. This will be quite an adventure for me since I have no idea what to expect.
Yesterday I made a trip to Target to buy the things (like toiletries) that I thought I might need for my journey. About halfway into my shopping trip I almost had a nervous breakdown when I realized how full my cart was AND how little my suitcase is AND how I couldn't find the flippin' Earplane plugs for the 11 hour flight! In the midst of my freak-out session, I called my mom about three times and called Lacey twice to complain...I'm pretty sure they now both think I'm insane and incompetent. Lucky for me I am still paying Lacey to be my friend...so we're still on good terms.
Three hours and $200 later, I left the store with bags full of toiletries I may or may not need for my trip. Needless to say Jon was not pleased with my spending...it's okay though, I gave him a hug.
The search for my Earplane plugs is still on.
Without something to open up my itty bitty ear canals, I cannot step aboard a plane. Earplaneless, Michelle would have to watch me curl up into a little ball and lay my head on her lap, at which point she will be SO glad to have invited me on this 5 week adventure with her.
What does all of this have to do with the price of eggs in China? Nothing, but I'm sure you feel closer to me now that you know my ear situation. Yeah.
Things I've realized while packing for Korea:
1) Space Bags are the invention of a genius
2) I have a lot of brown tank tops
3) Having laundry done BEFORE packing is a helpful strategy
4) Gus should definitely come with me....
Next steps...leave PDX at 9:30am on Saturday, fly to Seattle, wait for Michelle's flight to arrive and finally fly to Seoul!