Twenty-Four straight hours of travelling and I will inevitably color a picture of multi-colored snakes! Nice right? After 11 hours on the airplane (Michelle and I were able to con the airport check-in people into letting us sit next to each other) we arrived at the airport of Seoul. I've decided Seoul is the coolest name ever by-the-way. The airport was packed with beautiful Koreans...not kidding, the women here are gorgeous! Sorry guys, didn't take pictures of them since I thought that might be a little creepy...
Next, we boarded a bus and drove for five hours. Need I say more?
Finally, we arrived in Wando and set up camp. The Wando campsite is where we will stay for the first week during orientation. We woke up the next morning and found out some special surprise information: WE ARE IN QUARANTINE FOR THE REST OF THIS WEEK SO THAT WE DON'T PASS THE SWINE FLU TO THE KOREANS! YAY!!! We get to stay in a dirty, old and under construction building! There is literally nothing to do expect for talk to other campers, walk around outside, and use the internet. If we go outside we are not to speak to or be seen by Koreans. The picture of the concrete building is our resort. It's actually a university for Korean students. I'm not sure how often it is used though...
There are two groups of campers along in this program: the Portland Group and the Missouri Group. The Portland Group is somewhat more conservative and the Missouri Group is pretty...hmm...for lack of a better word, outgoing. Sometimes I just sit back and enjoy the entertainment of the other campers. For some reason, I was really surprised to see how many single people are in this program. There are only a handful of people that are in relationships or are married.
My room is pretty decent. It has A/C and its own bathroom. I just need to make sure to remember the rules, "TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES!!" I was super embarrassed when I was shouted at, after marching into my room with my LA Gears...yeah that's right, they still make them and, according to me are still cool! Yu-son, my roommate is a twenty-one year old university student from Seoul. She's the one with the T-shirt. :) Like teenage girls, we stay up all night long talking and laughing.
While living in quarantine, there is not much to update you on except for the little things that have happened so far this week...
In the mornings, I usually, consciously, sleep through hot dog and iceberg lettuce breakfasts.
We have taken a couple of insane hikes through the forest and I've discovered the scary amount I am able to sweat. The humidity here has an affect on me that is worrisome. I won't gross you out any further. The hikes are pretty great though.
Michelle and I have fun talking to our husbands and friends over instant message and video chat. Please enjoy the picture of Michelle and Ian making out over video chat.
Food- We are served a lot of fishy things and we often eat off of metal (see photo). They often serve an extremely fishy broth. I took one bite. But hey, at least I gave it a shot.
Bugs- There are a ton of really unique looking moths and butterflies. I have a lot of really nice mosquito bites.
Living situation - Great news! Michelle and I won a coin toss between us and two other campers and get to stay at the same camp next week. It's called Mokpo and its supposed to be pretty cool with lots to do.
Stay tuned...
I am soooooo glad Christine is home!!!!!!!!!!!!